
ABS LS - leasing management system

ABS LS - leasing management system

LS Equipment / Operative leasing LS Financial leasing LS Loans

ABS LS Operative Leasing (OPL) module offers small and big companies an attractive software solution operative leasing as a sequence to cover all other company processes within the company (finance, purchase, sale, long-term property, etc.)

ABS LS Operative leasing module perfectly covers and processes all services provided by you related to object leasing such as e.g. financing, insurance, damages solution, guarantee and after guarantee service, toll stickers, etc.

Structure of the solution ABS LS Equipment / Operative leasing

· Leasing contracts registration

· Models (OPL Objects)

· Schedule of due dates

· Leasing calculator

· Property registration

· Reminders and penalties

· Workflow

· History

· Dimension

· Customer

· Currencies

· Structure documentation (NOTE)

· Register of credits

· Leasing contract Calculator

· Register field in a header of a leasing contract

· Export to Microsoft Office Word

· Interface for import of leasing contract from external source

· Connection to CRM

ABS LS Financial leasing

Module ABS LS Financial leasing for financial leasing, integrate suite of end to end leasing and finance software solutions catering to the needs of Retail and Wholesale finance Businesses. ABS LS Financial leasing is Axiom's premium suite for leasing industry which covers the entire leasing and lending life cycle by streamlining all the processes originating from quote generation through efficient portfolio management till the complete contract closure. ABS LS Financial leasing is a proven software application acknowledged due to its completeness and competitiveness. The flexibility offered by Axiom helps targeting various industry segments which involves leasing and finance management.

ABS LS Financial leasing benefits:

Leasing operation suggestion and calculation Leasing contracts evidence Automatic Leasing contracts posting with full control in Financial management Fully integrated with other Microsoft Dynamics NAV modules (like Financials, Inventory, etc.) Deep analytics functions (OLAP etc.)

Leasing Calculator

· Interactive Leasing contracts suggestions

· All necessary information on one screen

· Different Contracts version and their archivation during sales (offer) process

Annuity calendar calculation

· Automatic annuity calendar suggestion and calculation according various criteria (leasing duration, no. of annuity, annuity period, etc.)

Leasing contracts evidence

· Leasing contracts are archived with all leasing parameters including

· All invoices and payments evidence connected with Leasing contract evidence

Automatic posting

· Automatic process for posting invoices from Leasing contracts according various criteria and send electronic information to customers by email

Contract templates - you could prepare unlimited own Contract templates in Microsoft Word format and system enables you to export data from Leasing contract directly into these templates automatically.

VAT change - if VAT is changed it is possible to make proper change into Leasing contracts and system automatically calculates new annuity calendars and payments.

Fixed assets evidence

· All Leasing contracts are connected with fixed assets entries

· There are standard functionalities for depreciation, maintenance evidence, etc.

Bank loans evidence

· Bank loans (your loan from bank) evidence including interest payment

· Loan utilization tracking etc.

· Comparison between Bank loan utilization and connected Leasing contracts profit

Leasing Slovenskej sporiteľne, a.s.

Leasing Slovenskej sporiteľne, a.s. Slovakian leasing company can react quickly to the market needs thanks to the new EPR system

The company Leasing Slovenskej Sporiteľne, PLC, a member of financial group Slovenská Sporiteľňa and ERSTEBANK deals mainly with the provision of financial leasing for cars, utility vehicles and trucks and other transportation equipment, machinery, equipment and technology. Initial solution of operative leasing management in the company consisted in records in multiple software applications (e.g., Mark, Microsoft Excel, etc.) To ensure medium and long-term strategy of the company it was necessary to replace the existing information system and that is why the company decided for Microsoft Dynamics NAV information system including the vertical solution ABS LS Operative leasing.


From the implementation of the new information system the company Leasing Slovenskej Sporiteľne expected improvement of reliability and speed of information processing, improvement of awareness in business processes and improvement of business activities efficiency. Thanks to the use of manager outputs it also wanted to reach higher efficiency of strategic and operative operation of the company with the possibility to react flexibly to current situation in the market and by this it wanted to lower costs and higher income.

During the business solution implementation the company wanted to gain a central and integrated information system. It required implementation of basic functional requirements that are given by key business processes such as Operative leasing and Finances.

Further on the system should meet the requirements to secure strategies of the company dynamic development. The requirements were mainly these:

  • In defined intervals to secure information about current state of leasing contracts, subject of the leasing, sales and marketing campaigns with following possibility to evaluate their efficiency.

  • To have a possibility to evaluate efficiency of sale to particular customers.

  • Possibility to work in several currencies.

  • Possibility to export financial and accounting data into other ERP systems within the group ERSTE BANK.

  • One of the basic requirements was a quality and effectively usable operative leasing module.

  • Maximum compatibility with other products from the Microsoft company.

Primary aim of implementation of the new Microsoft Dynamics NAV business solution including the ABS LS Operative leasing was a consolidation of information support of operative leasing processes into one centralized ERP system.


The company AXIOM SW Ltd. took the implementation in the company Leasing to Slovak Savings bank as implementation of business solution for support of business processes including vertical solution ABS LS Operative leasing that covers and processes all provided services related to subject of leasing such as e.g. financing, insurance, insurance events solution, customer service, toll stickers. Simultaneously whole solution is prepared for another enlargement e.g. of Financial Leasing and Loans modules.

A very important and essential part that took part before the start of the project was a definition, revision and proposal of business processes in the company, to which elaboration and approval of detailed specification of modifications of standard Microsoft Dynamics NAV solution, ABS LS Operative leasing module was connected for business and financial processes needs in the company Leasing Slovenskej Sporiteľne.

Module ABS LS Operative leasing meets required solution connected to subjects of leasing and it enables:

Leasing contracts evidence – Contract card is one of the basic system evidence. It serves to keep all data about the contract.

Leasing calculations – They enable an interactive proposal of the leasing contract.

Property evidence – Property is registered in Microsoft Dynamics NAV and it is completed by some fields characteristic for property at leasing companies. Depreciation book and service evidence are part of the property.

Reminders and penalties – The module works with customer balance into which a claim note is transmitted during the charging. Process of reminders and penalties sending is fully computerized.

Dimensions – The system uses Microsoft Dynamics NAV dimensions that enable a customer higher flexibility during work with analyses. By the help of dimension it is also possible to analyze all transactions in detail in the system.

Usage of more currencies – Possibility to work in more currencies. During accounting a conversion to a local currency is done as well as during accounting foreign currency from the book.

Insurance contracts evidence – It is an evidence of insurance contracts at subjects of leasing, rate outputs and payments for fleet insurance.

Insurance events evidence – It serves to record insurance events of subjects of leasing. This functionality does not allow to close an insurance event if the performance of such insurance event is not liquidated.

Cars for sale – The module enables to offer cars for leasing, for sale (auctions or interest bazaars).

Modernization of hardware and program equipment in particular departments was carried out within Microsoft Dynamics NAV business solution implementation.

Phases of the project:

First phase: Financial processes and operative leasing processes analysis – Definition of the sphere of finances took place in this phase. All business processes that are related to main sphere of activity of the company were described – operative leasing services provision, and the processes that are related to influence on application financial part. First phase was started in December 2008 and took 2 months.

Second phase: Development, test and documentation – After first phase approval a development of specific spheres of defined application was started, simultaneously a testing part and creation of user system documentation took place. This phase took nearly 3 months.

Third phase: Testing operation – Testing operation was started in the beginning of May 2009 in the testing database in which system functionalities testing took place including particular business and financial processes with customer according to previously approved testing scripts.

Fourth phase: Live operation – Live operation was successfully started by the end of May 2009.


Contributions of transition to Microsoft Dynamics NAV information system with a business solution ABS LS Operative leasing came to light right after system start. One of the main contributions is unification of data basis within the company and data creation in one place. Data unification and possibility to see the system on-line enables to monitor clients’ payment practice. The company succeeded to lower the claims.

Other contributions are:

  • System provided the workers and management a tool for current evaluation of business activities on the basis on unified data storage.

  • Automatic acquisition of residual value and service costs for subject of leasing by help of communication with specialized external SW to which Microsoft Dynamics NAV IS is directly connected.

  • Computerized import of catalogue car cards (subject of leasing) directly in the system without user intervention.

  • All business, financial and account functions are integrated in one system Particular business cases are automatically displayed into accountancy in a real time in the system.

  • High parameters of the system enable the company to change lively particular provided services according to needs.

  • Improvement of cooperation of particular departments via whole company thanks to connection of operative leasing and finances modules.

  • Microsoft Dynamics NAV secures high operating reliability and security of saved data and it functionally conforms to requirements for operation in EU.

Microsoft Dynamics
Microsoft Dynamicsis a line of integrated, adaptable business management solutions that enables you and your people to make business decisions with greater confidence. Microsoft Dynamics works like familiar Microsoft software such as Microsoft Office, which means less of a learning curve for your people, so they can get up and running quickly and focus on what’s most important. And because it is from Microsoft, it easily works with the systems that your company already has implemented. By automating and streamlining financial, customer relationship, and supply chain processes, Microsoft Dynamics brings together people, processes, and technologies, increasing the productivity and effectiveness of your business, and helping you drive business success.

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