Danh sách công ty cho thuê tàu bay
Company Services L R E AP Leasing Additional services A41 Group Inc. SUP L R E AP N/A TBA AA Maintenance Services OWN/MNG - - E AP OL MRO services. Availability... AAA Jets, LLC SUP L - E AP N/A MRO services AAR Corp. OWN/MNG/SUP L R E - OL/SLB Remarketing, tech services, storage/asset management.Availability... ABX Air OWN L - E - ACMI/OL MRO services ACL Aircraft Trading Ltd SUP L R - - OL/ACMI Sales, remarketing, evaluations. Availability... AELIS MNG/SUP - R - - ACMI Asset/lease/records/financial management, trading services.Availability... AerCap OWN/MNG/SUP L R - - OL/SLB Remarketing, purchasing, selling, technical/contract management, financial engineering, securitisation Aergo Capital OWN/SUP L - - - OL/FL Management, remarketing, consultancy Aero Excel Components OWN - - E - OL Short and long term leases. Availability... AeroAsia Corp. OWN L - - - ACMI Sales and financing services. Availability... AeroThrust OWN/MNG - - E - OL MRO Services AeroTurbine OWN/MNG/SUP - - E - - Tech Services. Availability... AES Aviation GmbH SUP A R E - - Technical/commercial project management support; financing/managing transport aircraft fleets; managing and/or Phasing-In/-Out fleets; other complex technical projects AIAP OWN/MNG - - - AP OL Repair management services. Availability... Air Atlanta Icelandic OWN/MNG/SUP L - - - ACMI - Air Contractors OWN/MNG/SUP L - - - OL Maintenance, ad-hoc charters (cargo aircraft) Air Fleet Management Ltd MNG/SUP L R E - N/A Airline Start-Ups/Strategy/Restructuring, Aircraft Remarketing/Acquisitions/Trading, Lease and Finance Structuring Airbus Asset Management OWN/MNG/SUP L - - - OL Support ranging from entry-into-service assistance through to maintenance/CPCP programmes and modifications Aircastle Advisor OWN/MNG/SUP L - - - OL Marketing, technical services and other asset management services Airfund SUP L R - - N/A Remarketing, lease management, OL structuring, financing Airstream SUP L R - - N/A Remarketing, Asset/lease management, company representation AFT MNG/SUP - R - - OL Lease management and technical/marketing consultancy ALAFCO OWN/MNG/SUP L - - - OL/SLB Aircraft/aircraft lease management ALM MNG/SUP L R - - OL/SLB Lease management, technical consultancy/monitoring, OL structuring, transaction risk assessment. Availability... Amentum Capital MNG/SUP L - - - OL/FL Portofolio/Asset management, structured finance, remarketing AMH Aviation MNG/SUP L R - - OL/SLB Remarketing, maintenance/ops management AMS Management MNG/SUP L - - - OL/SLB/ACMI Asset management, Remarketing, Tech representation/consulting Amtec ITP OWN/MNG L - E - OL - AOG Services SUP L R E AP N/A TBA ATBD Inc. SUP L R E AP N/A Lease management; remarketing; financial, commerical, technical, legal support; New and used aircraft acquisition through purchase/lease; Risk assessment and audits. Aurora Aviation Group MNG/SUP L R E - OL Insurance monitoring/compliance, aircraft inspections/redeliveries, finance consulting Automatic MNG/SUP L - - - OL/SLB Trading, financing, acquisitions Avequis MNG L - - - OL/SLB Management services, trading/brokerage, financial advisory, technical consultancy AviationBizD SUP L R - - N/A Arranger, Marketing, Manager, Consultant of Sale/Purchase- Leasebacks and financing for Commercial Regional aircraft Aviation Capital OWN/MNG/SUP L - - - OL Sales/trading, fleet management, remarketing, technical support Aviation Engine Service Inc. OWN/MNG - - E - OL MRO services Aviation Leasing Group OWN/MNG/SUP L - - - OL/SLB Management/marketing/operational services, contract management AvMax OWN/MNG/SUP - R - - OL MRO services. Availability... AWAS OWN/MNG/SUP L - E - OL/SLB Trading, customer engineering, asset management AWS Lease Finance SUP L R - - N/A Remarketing, asset management, technical/contract management BAE Asset Management OWN/MNG/SUP L R - - OL - Bavaria International Aircraft Leasing OWN/MNG/SUP L - - - OL/FL/SLB - bci aircraft leasing OWN/MNG/SUP L - - - OL Acquisition and management of aircraft under lease. Availability... Blue Sky Aviation Ltd SUP L R - - N/A Aircraft sourcing for Operating lease, ACMI, Ad Hoc/Sub-charter BOC Aviation OWN/MNG/SUP L - - - OL/SLB Debt financing, lease management, structured finance, consultancy Boeing Capital OWN/MNG/SUP L - - - OL/FL/SLB Long/short-term financing, secured loans, managing technical assets Cabot Aviation SUP L R - - N/A Aircraft remarketing/acquisition/trading, ACMI contracts, lease management Availability... CALL SUP L R - - N/A Financing Caribex Inc SUP L - - - N/A Consulting, airline audits, ferry flights Celerak SUP L R - - N/A Dry Lease, ACMI, Techical Support, Remarking, Financing services Availability... Chapman Freeborn SUP L R - - N/A Aircraft purchasing, Cargo Air Charter CIT OWN/MNG/SUP L - E - OL/SLB Debt financing, aircraft management, cross-border tax structures Compass Capital Corp. OWN/MNG/SUP L - - - OL Acquisition and management of aircraft under lease Contrails Capital MNG/SUP L R E - OL/SLB Remarketing, funding, consulting. Availability... DAE Capital OWN/MNG/SUP L - - - OL/FL/SLB Remarketing and aircraft sale/purchase advisory services Delta TechOps OWN/MNG - - E - OL MRO services Denim Air B.V. OWN/MNG - R - - OL/ACMI TBA Availability... Deutsche Bank - AFL OWN/MNG/SUP L - - - OL Trading and Management consulting Deutsche Operating Leasing AG MNG/SUP L - - - OL/SLB TBA DSF OWN/MNG/SUP L - - - OL - DVB OWN/MNG/SUP L R - - OL Remarketing, asset/lease management, technical consultancy EADS SECA OWN/MNG - - E - OL MRO services ECC Leasing Ltd. OWN/MNG/SUP - R - - OL/SLB/FL OEM (Embraer). Availability... Egyptair M&E OWN/MNG - - E - OL MRO services ELFC OWN/MNG/SUP - - E - OL/SLB Marketing, asset management FGL Aircraft Ireland Ltd SUP L - - - OL/FL/SLB Re-marketing services Finnair Technical Services OWN/MNG - - E - OL MRO services First Greenwich Kahala OWN/MNG/SUP L - - - OL/SLB Aircraft management, sale/leaseback, trading and remarketingAvailability... Flightstar Trading SUP L R E AP N/A TBA Fuyo General Lease Co. Ltd OWN/MNG/SUP L - - - OL/FL/SLB Re-marketing services GA Finance OWN/SUP L R - - OL/FL/SLB Financing GA Telesis OWN/MNG/SUP L R E - OL/SLB Asset management, remarketing. Availability... Gamit SUP L R - - N/A Remarketing, asset management GE Engine Leasing OWN/MNG/SUP - - E - OL Leasing, financing, asset management GECAS OWN/MNG/SUP L R E - OL/FL/SLB Leasing, financing, asset management GMF AeroAsia MNG/SUP L - - - OL Lease, Maintenance Reserves and Tech Records management GMT Global Republic Aviation OWN/MNG L - - - OL Lease/asset management GOAL OWN/SUP L R - - OL/SLB Start-up/technical/financial consultancy Guggenheim Aviation Partners OWN L - - - OL Acquisition and management of aircraft under lease H+S Aviation Ltd OWN/MNG - - E AP OL MRO services Honeywell Aerospace Trading OWN - - E AP OL OEM and MRO. Availability... Honeywell - Singapore OWN - - E - OL MRO services Icelandic Aircraft Management MNG/SUP L R - - OL/FL/SLB/ACMI Remarketing and advisory services ILFC OWN/MNG/SUP L - - - OL Fleet planning/rationalisation, revenue/route analysis, maintenance/product support programs, structured financing Ilyushin Finance Co OWN/MNG L R - - OL/SLB/FL Tech support, training Indigo Aviation Ltd SUP L R - - N/A Remarketing, Inter-Ailrine Leasing, Private Aicraft Charter Inter Excel Advisory SUP L R - - N/A TBA Intrepid Aviation OWN/MNG/SUP L - - - OL/SLB Forward purchases/sales, freighter conversion management Itochu Airlease OWN/MNG/SUP L - - - OL - ITR OWN/MNG - - E - OL MRO services Jet Trading and Leasing SUP L R E - N/A Aircraft management, sale/leaseback, trading and remarketing.Availability... Jetfleet SUP - R - - N/A Aircraft management (leases on behalf of AeroCentury) Jetmark SUP L R - - N/A Remarketing Jetran International SUP L R - - N/A Sales, acquisitions Jetscape SUP L R - - N/A Aircraft management services, remarketing Availability... Jetstream Aviation Capital OWN/MNG/SUP - R - - OL/FL/SLB Regional turboprop leasing, sales, remarketing, asset management, structured finance, advisory Kellstrom Industries OWN - - E - OL Engine/airframe parts distributor LCAL OWN L - - - OL/SLB Exclusively Boeing 787 LCI Aviation OWN/MNG L - - - OL/SLB Financing Loftleidir Icelandic MNG L - - - ACMI - Lufthansa Technik OWN/MNG/SUP - - E AP OL MRO services. Availability... Lufthansa Technik Airmotive Ireland OWN/MNG - - E - OL MRO services Lufthansa Technik AERO Alzey OWN/MNG - - E AP OL MRO services Macquarie AirFinance OWN/MNG/SUP L - - - OL/SLB Financing Availability... Magellan Air MNG/SUP L R - - OL/SLB Aircraft asset management, financing, corporate advisory services Magellan Group MNG/SUP - - E - OL Lease/maintenance management, sales/marketing, advisory services, audits Maximus Air Cargo OWN L - - - A TBA Availability... MC Aircraft Management OWN/MNG/SUP L - - - OL/SLB Aircraft marketing/sourcing, economic evaluations, tech consulting MDT MNG/SUP L R - - OL/SLB Remarketing, financing, advisory services MEG Capital SUP L R - - N/A TBA MFS MNG/SUP L R - - OL/ACMI Financing, acquisitions, technical consultancy MTU OWN/MNG/SUP - - E - OL/SLB MRO and tech services. Availability... NewJet Engine Services OWN/MNG - - E - OL MRO Services Nordic Aviation Contractor OWN/MNG/SUP L R - - OL/FL/SLB MRO (EASA 145) North Star Aviation Services SUP - R - - N/A Remarketing, tech inspections/evaluations Nyras SUP L R - - N/A Aircraft asset investment and leasing advisory services to both aircraft purchasers and vendors Olympic Aerospace OWN/SUP - - E - OL Aircraft/engine/inventory remarketing, inventory appraisals, spares distributor ORIX Aviation OWN/MNG L - E - OL Sales, remarketing, contract negotiation, deal structuring, lease administration, tech services. Availability... P&W OWN/MNG/SUP - - E - OL OEM and MRO P&W Canada OWN/MNG/SUP - - E - OL OEM and MRO Pacific Coast Group SUP L R - - N/A Structured transactions, refinancing Patriot Aviation Services OWN/MNG - - E AP OL MRO services Pembroke OWN/MNG/SUP L R - - OL/FL Marketing/remarketing, asset management, tech/financial services Phoenix Aircraft Leasing Pte Ltd SUP L R - - N/A Remarketing, consulting. Availability... Piedmont Aviation OWN - - - AP OL MRO services Prime Aviation SUP L R - - N/A TBA QCI SUP L R - - N/A European AOC consultation and support, legal consultation/support for FAR 129 and 42 (US operations), aviation authorities liaison RBS OWN/MNG/SUP L R E - OL/SLB Asset finance, tax leases, structured solutions, capital markets Red Eye Aerospace OWN/MNG/SUP - - E AP OL/SLB TBA Regent Star Aviation Management SUP L R - - N/A Advisory services, records management/audit, aircraft registration/certification Regio Lease SUP L R - - N/A TBA Revima APU OWN/MNG - - - AP OL MRO services Rolls-Royce & Partners Finance Ltd OWN/MNG/SUP - - E - OL OEM and MRO Royal Aero Group OWN/MNG/SUP - - E - OL/SLB Tech Services Saab Aircraft Leasing OWN/MNG/SUP - R - - OL OEM, trading, remarketing. Availability... SAFAIR OWN/MNG/SUP L R E - OL/SLB/ACMI Lease management, maintenance Seabury Group SUP L R - - N/A Asset management, advisory services SES OWN/MNG/SUP - - E - OL/SLB TBA SGI Aviation Services SUP L R E - N/A Complete range of aircraft & engine asset management services, CAMO, training and regulatory/certification advisory SH&E SUP L R E - N/A Remarketing, asset management, consulting Skytech AIC OWN/MNG/SUP L R - - OL/SLB Aircraft management, marketing/remarketing Skyways Aviation MNG/SUP L R - - OL/ACMI Asset management, technical advise, maintenance SkyWorks Leasing MNG/SUP L R E - - Remarketing, asset management, technical services, investment/advisory services Sojitz Aircraft Leasing BV OWN/MNG/SUP L - - - OL TBA Spectrum Aerospace OWN - - - AP OL Parts distributor ST Aerospace OWN/MNG/SUP - - E - OL MRO services Standard Aero OWN/MNG - - E - OL MRO services Supreme Aviation MNG/SUP L R - - OL/SLB/ACMI Remarketing, aircraft management, consultancy TEC Inc. OWN/MNG - - - AP OL APU Maintenance Management and Consulting TES OWN/MNG/SUP - - E - OL/SLB Asset management, technical consultancy The Leasing Corporation MNG/SUP L - - - OL/SLB Asset management, maintenance consultancy and support Triumph Logistics OWN/MNG - - - AP OL MRO services Turbine Motor Works OWN - - E - OL MRO services Unique Technical Management SUP L R E AP N/A Technical Services, Records Management/Oversight, Onsite In service Inspections, End of Lease Inspections, MRO representation and Oversight, Onsite Management USA Global Aircraft SUP L R - - N/A TBA UTTI Inc OWN/MNG - - - AP OL MRO Services Veling SUP L R - - N/A Sales/remarketing, asset management, structured finance Vietnam Aircraft Leasing Company OWN/MNG/SUP L R E - OL/ACMI/SLB TBA Viking Air OWN/MNG - R - - OL Short term leases Volito Aviation OWN/MNG/SUP L R - - OL TBA Availability... Volvo Aero Services OWN/MNG - - E - OL OEM and MRO Availability... VTB Leasing OWN/MNG L R E - OL/FL/SLB TBA Waha Leasing OWN/MNG L R - - OL TBA Availability... Willis Lease OWN/MNG - - E - OL/SLB Trading, pooling World Airline Services SUP L R - - N/A Cargo Subcharters, consultancy World Star Aviation OWN/MNG/SUP L - - - OL Remarketing, lease/records management Abbreviations
ACMI: Aircraft Crew Maintenance Insurance (wet lease)
E: Engines
FL: Financial Lease
L: Large aircraft (wide and narrow body jets)
MNG: The company provides asset management services for aircraft, engines or APUs
N/A: Not Applicable
OL: Operating Lease
OWN: The company owns aircraft, engines or APUs that leases to operators (new and used)
R: Regional aircraft (props and jets)
SLB: Sale and Lease Back
SUP: The company provides support services for lease transactions